Thursday, January 28, 2010


Since having baby number 2 my hormones have been very different, or maybe just missing. But have no fear they came back last night. This morning I woke up feeling great and energized. Eddy woke up with gubers in his eyes that sealed them shut. He must have an eye cold I thought. But I still got him ready and prepared to take him and Olive to lunch for my sisters 32nd birthday! Though Eddy was very ornery, I figured I would just take him anyway and make the best of it. I was feeling pretty good and didn't want to miss out on lunch with my sisters. So we arrived at Cutlers. I set Olive down in her car seat by the table and put Eddy in a chair next to his cousin. I went to order my food and my hormone level quickly changed. I was suddenly very irritated at the menu, being that they would not give me Tuna in my kids meal. Come on! My son is allergic to EVERYTHING. I don't want to give him a sandwich with a piece of ham on it and nothing else. But I did. As I continue ordering I hear Olive start SCREAMING bloody murder. She is starving. Then as I am paying Eddy starts yelling across the room, "MOM! MOM! MOM! MOM!" I try to control my heart rate as my face turns beat red due to embarrassment and anger. I can see the people around wondering who's kid is crying and who's kid is yelling MOM at the top of his lungs. I quickly fill up my drink and head to the table. Grab Olive out of her car seat and attempt to soothe her. I turn to Eddy who is still yelling, "MOM!" over and over and in a quiet stern voice very strictly tell him to "Shut up!" Who tells a 2 year old to shut up? ME. Don't judge. Well he doesn't shut up, he persists now standing on his chair yelling, "MOM! MOM!" My heart is racing, the hormones have changed to very potent anger, not easily being calmed. I take Olive over to Eddy, sit him down in his chair and hand him his sandwich that he then throws. Oh man, I really might freak out. I am losing it, I cant take it anymore. My sister can sense this and asks if she can hold Olive. I say, "No" and continue trying to shove bites of Eddy's sandwich in his mouth. He is not having it. So I decide to walk away. I leave him to sit by his cousins with his puffy infected eyes to eat chips. He does not have one bite of his stupid sandwich that I just spent 5 bucks on and he begins to laugh and play. Meanwhile, I am attempting to give Olive a bottle so I don't have to nurse her in public. She is not having it. My rage is at peak now as I pull up my shirt with no blanket to cover and latch her onto my boob. Who freaking cares at this point. Well, I ate while nursing. Eddy didn't eat. He is looking sicker and sicker and I decide to try to put breast milk in his eyes to see if it will help clear them up. (for those of you who don't know, breast milk works as an antibiotic) Well, I lay Eddy down on my lap and hold him down as I proceed to shake this milk bottle in his eye. Well its not working. He is screaming, there is nasty breast milk all over his face and people are staring at me. Who is this crazy lady with the screaming kids, who told one of them to shut up, nursed the other one around everyone eating their lunch and is now shaking a bottle of breast milk in her sons face??? ME EVERYONE, ITS ME! LIBBY SWITZER! Don't worry, Ill try to get myself together before lunch tomorrow with my be continued


LD said...

You made my day!! Too funny, I have felt that anger and those hormones and those piercing staring eyes!! Tomorrow will be better, it must.

Jenn K. said...

Lib, I was laughing so hard while reading this! I know it probably wasn't a laughing matter at the time it was happening, but it makes me feel better to know I'm not the only one with days like that! Too funny!

Jen said...

i could see everything playing out in my mind. you poor thing. i don't know how moms do it...really. you guys are amazing!

Nicholas and Brittani said...

Hi Libby! Long time no see or talk! I ran into your blog...somehow...can't remember. I have to tell you that it is so nice to know that I am not the only one who occasionally tells my little loved ones to "SHUT UP". NOt my proudest moments, but they happen. And i LOVE that you put breast milk in your little boys eyes. As I was reading when you layed him down to shake the bottle...I swear I thought you were gonna say you shook your boob in his eyes! Loved you post. Sounds like my crazy life. Good to find you!

Andrea S. said...

Thanks for the good laugh, although I'm sure it wasn't funny while the whole thing was happening. I swear kids have some secret pact to gang up on us just to see how well we can handle it. Good luck with those hormones….

Sarah B said...

Oh man, I was just laughing out loud at that story. Good times. Your lunch tomorrow can only go up from here. Good luck.

Chelsi Archibald said...

Oh man. That was the best story I've heard in a long long time. You just made my week! You are my hero :)

Carli said...

Oh Libby, I know EXACTLY how you feel. I don't think that anyone who is a mother was judging you at all! Toddlers are freaking maniacs who love to cause as much trouble as possible. and, I have SOOOOO nursed in public when liam is screaming. I did it at the mall in a bench next to a man. who the hell cares! We have to feed our kids right? Sorry you had a bad day. I feel ya!