Tuesday, January 19, 2010


A lot is new...
We sold the truck!

Danny loves his job

Conan may be leaving us

Eddy is in a bed

Eddy, on occasion cleans up his messes without being asked The sun is shining!!!

Eddy and Olive are waking up early. I am not use to it.

Olive is Olive

Danny is playing indoor soccer

I am in the lottery

We have enjoyed winter...so far.


Chelsi Archibald said...

I'm glad things are going well. Selling the truck is a relief! Glad Danny likes his job :)

Sarah B said...

Yeah! Glad so many things are going well for you! That is good news.

LD said...

You are donig the spudman again!! You crazy thing. I love Eddy's new bed, it is really cute. Things must be really good if you are enjoying winter :)

Amber and Matt said...

You are amazing, the spudman, really? Yeah, I am not going to participate. You on the other hand will do great!