Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Struggle...but I got a few good ones!

I am not a photographer, but I cannot afford a photographer so I borrowed my broski's camera and these are the results. Let me just say that it is VERY difficult to take a picture of Eddy. It is not his favorite thing. I probably took at least 100 pics and these are the few I can handle.
P.S. I really want a nice camera.

This is my favorite one!
Both my kids are thumb suckers now.
Eddy on his horse
Olive hates her blessing dress...Oh yeah we blessed her on Sunday!

I do not recomend a white sheet for your backdrop...or that pink bow.
Love that Buddah Belly!


Melinda said...

Libby these are awesome pics!! I love them!

Melinda said...

...and I have to say I'm so happy to see the little red booties on Olive's little footsies! ;)

Anonymous said...

These pics are gorgeous. Nice job Libby!