Friday, November 20, 2009

New Moon

So I saw it. I drove to Orem with my mom and her two friends with credentials around my neck to get into the 9:30 showing. I LOVE my mom. There were hundreds of people waiting outside in line for hours. Well, my mom just walked right into the theater 5 minutes before the movie started, and as the man told her we had to wait outside she said something that got miraculously got us to be the first ones in with NO waiting. We had the best seats in the house.
It was a fun experience. I have never been to an early showing of any movie and the best part was watching all the little girls go crazy. I have to say, I wanted to LOVE the movie, but I just liked it. It was super cheese which is to be expected, but I still had high hopes. At least I got to see that Pattinson boy, he is fi-ne!


Chelsi Archibald said...

I'm so glad to hear that you love RPattz as well. I mean Jacob is such a boy, body is great, don't get me wrong. But honestly, that weird looking Rob is just lovely. He is a man! Hairy and lanky and odd. Love it!

LD said...

I laughed and/or giggled from embarrassment the entire movie......soooooo corny and that acting was I know even have a word for it.

superwhitney8 said...

It was super cheese? I think you made a typo!:)