Sunday, November 21, 2010


It's hard to even start this post, I don't know where to begin. This has been the craziest year of my life and it just keeps coming. Crazy meaning busy, ever changing, fun, chaotic, crazy.

We are back. Officially. In Utah. AND I am very happy to be here. Last night was a the first big snow storm and it is great to be here during the holidays with snow, fire places, hot chocolate, and family. Truly great. That being said, I also really miss California. It was also truly great. The things I loved about it sound very cliche and probably are, but there are other things I loved that had nothing to do with California and only to do with my family, our experiences, and being together.

Though short and sweet I would not trade our time there for anything. The last post I wrote was published with me knowing I was leaving. It was my Ode to California; my farewell. We headed out 2 days later and did not tell a soul.

Except my sister Rachel.

She arranged a family night at her house with my parents and siblings. As she said the blessing on the food she prayed that, "Danny and Libby would be with us tonight." and as the prayer ended there we were. It was a great surprise, everyone was floored.

So here we are back in Utah, Danny was offered a job down south that he is really excited about and I am still adjusting to all of our many adjustments, happy and grateful to be with Danny and my kids. Home really is "wherever I'm with them." And I would know, with my assortment of homes in the last 3 months.


eric + ashlee said...

South, like southern Utah? Tell us more! What a whirlwind, we moved to VA the same time you guys moved to CA and I can't even imagine packing everything all up again. Kudos to you, that is a lot of work. Congrats on getting a job there though. I know how it is to be away from family, I hope we are as lucky someday to get an offer to work back there!

thailiz said...

Wait, what? You moved to Cali and now you're back in Utah? Where in Utah? Your life is awesome!