Trick or Treat!

Not so sure about this dude.

But this girl takes my breath away.

Eddy has perfected saying CHEESE!!!

And I don't think Olive or Eddy have recovered from their late night of sugar, but they LOVED it! Eddy loved getting scared by all of the houses and costumes. And he loved to say, "that's scary!"

I dressed up when I got home, I was afraid if I went out like this people might mistake me for a real gangsta and shoot me.
You look hot and your kiddos are freakin adorable! Call me you terd!
Dude, I can't believe you know how to make the 'blood' sign, hahaha. I have real students who make that symbol in my after school program. That is hilarious.
Hey Gangsta, the kids are sooooo cute. I want more picts. Keep blogging.
Seriously call me too.
And it looks like you had a great Halloween!
We missed you but we know how much you love Compton so we understand.
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