Monday, June 21, 2010

The House that Built Me

Going Home. Really? I dont know if I can do it. Im not necessarily going to, but I know that I really dont want to. I love my home, I loved growing up in it. I love the brightness of the kitchen in the morning. I love walking the roads surrounding my home. I love the memories that built me in that home. But I left, I moved on, I've grown since then and learned a lot, but maybe forgotten a lot along the way too.
Anyway, they say you can't go home again, but I may be going back. We are in the midst of figuring things out. It's really hard to figure such big decisions out, but we will do it. Til then, doing the best I can and loving this song. It makes me not hate the idea so much.


LD said...

Big decisions are the pits!! Call me you turkey.

Melinda said...

love you libs