Being a mom is so different from anything i have ever done in my life. I am the youngest of 4 children and was rarely around babies. I became an aunt at 7 and enjoyed babysitting occasionally but that was about it. I was a pretty spoiled kid and had selfish tendencies, spending my time doing what I wanted and playing with my friends.
Life is so interesting the way it comes at you. I never had any definet plans of how I wanted my life to turn out. I just knew that I wanted to have fun and I had lots of dreams like...
1. Joining the Air Force (brought on by watching Top Gun)
2. Moving to Hawaii
3. Serving a mission to Jackson Hole
4. Becoming a Geologist, or Oceanologist
5. Living by the Ocean
6. Working summers at Lake Powell
The list goes on, but the point is I really wanted to do all of these things. These were things I dreamt about growing up. I really never dreamt of getting married, I never thought twice or even once about raising a family. But there were very random things that I ALWAYS knew.
I always knew that I would only have white bath towells and white sheets and that I wanted to sleep in a room with light walls and lots of windows. I always knew that my favorite way to spend my free time was to be outside in the hot sun. I knew that I wanted to name my kids Sadie and Paige(but never thought about actually raising them).
Now the point of this post is that those dreams I had, they didn't happen, the things I loved, I still love (save the names), the things that I thought little about like a husband and kids well those are the center of my life now and I LOVE IT! But the interesting thing is, my dreams didn't go away with this wonderful new life. They are still there lurking in the back of my mind. And that's a good thing, but my desire now is to have my dreams be dreams about my family. Easier said than done. I'm a mom and I love being a mom, but I feel like I am ALWAYS trying to get my mom stuff done and out of the way so I can work on ME stuff. This is also not a bad thing, but I want to have the desire to be like a professional mom. I want to have my free time spent thinking of ways I can party with my family, or play with my kids, or what have you. But it's not as easy as it sounds. You would think that since I have the desire I would just DO IT and LOVE IT.
But I'm so distracted.
Instead of doing those great motherly things I sit outside in the sun, dreaming of Hawaii and water skiing and where I can buy 700 thread count white sheets for a good deal. So now my goal for this week is to plan 3 fun things to do with my family. They don't have to cost money they just have to be FUN! I think being a mom can be just as much fun as getting your ear to the water, right? So tell me some ideas of something fun to do besides, going to the park, on a walk, or to the library (I already do those, and the library is NOT fun) I'm ready to be a mom and to be good at it. I'm trying to get rid of my selfish tendencies or at least bridle them for the time being.
My 3 ideas:
1. Go fishing
2. Buy and play Hungry Hippos
3. Fix bike trailer and take kids on a bike ride.
Now tell me your ideas!
I love your thoughts--I feel the same way, minus joining the Air Force :)
Almost everyday I strip Z down to her diaper and let her fingerpaint--you probably already do this.
When it's warm--splashpads are the best FREE kid thing to do.
Build a fort with chairs and blankets or set up a tent in the house ---that's all I got. You better let me know all the fun things you do--I need ideas!
I really love this post :)
I love your thoughts Lib. Hungry Hippos is fun until all the little white balls roll under the oven and then the game is over...permanantly. That was my experience. I'm sure you'll be smarter than me and play in the family room on the carpet, not the tile of the kitchen floor.
hey, give yourself the credit you deserve! you don't know how awesome of a mom you are! I'd want to be your child!
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