It wasn't a comedy by any means, but it was funny and sad and just real. It reminded me so much of my family and of my life being a mom. Lately I have been pretty bored with life. Waking up, making breakfast, cleaning house, bathing kids, blogging etc. etc. etc. I know the weather highly affects my blah attitude and winters are always hard for me, but last night this show seriously reminded me that this is the best time of my life. I am fortunate to live close to ALL of my siblings. I love that Eddy gets to play with his cousins and that my brother and sisters are close by. Every day Eddy asks over and over for each one of his cousins.
Eddy: Wheres Incon?
Me: Work
Eddy: Wheres Shefton?
Me: School
Eddy: Wheres Drew
Me: Home
You get the idea but he has like 10 other cousins he goes through. Anyway, I always dream of moving to California and living happily in the sun, and I still think it would be awesome, but right now I'm happy to be here in freezing Utah surrounded by my family. These last 2 years have been hard for us but we have made it through and felt more support from our families than we could imagine. (Man, is this testimony meeting?) What I'm trying to say is that I know I'm lucky that I live by my family, and I know I'm lucky that I get to be home with my kids and I know that my life is basically are just another day in paradise.
Now go watch Parenthood on HULU.
I watched it and also thought it was good. We are lucky moms aren't we!
All right I bring it up right now. Thanks!
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