Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sunday Morning

I finally figured out what was wrong with my movie maker, and now I present to you the latest event in the Switzer house.


Chelsi Archibald said...

Wow, that was riveting from beginning to end! I can only imagine!

Jenn K. said...

Ha Ha! I was laughing so hard watching that! How the heck did that bird get in there??? Glad Danny found his calling and the bird was saved!

Amber and Matt said...

OH MY GOSH!!! That was hilarious. I think i am going to watch it again.

Anonymous said...

Gets better every time I watch it.

Megan said...

Danny should put that on his resume.

Melinda said...

My favorite line: "hurry danny, you're saving a life"

LD said...

Way to go Danny! And you are such a good bird-catching coach Libby.

Sarahmanarah said...

That was very funny and Eddy was being funny.
Have fun catching a mouse next time.
Thanks for the entertainment.