Friday, December 4, 2009

Spaghetti Eddy

Eddy is officially 2!

In celebration, let me tell some reasons I love him:
  • He wakes up every morning with a smile on his face and his thumb in his mouth.
  • He has so much energy he helps me get exercise.
  • He also helps me sleep. Eddy loves to sleep, he giggles when I lay him in his crib because he is so excited.
  • He makes great conversation (i ana cah, pees ma?)
  • He has morning hair like mine (lucky boy)
  • He tries to use my eyelash curler every morning
  • When we read books he has one favorite page that he wants to look at the entire time, so rather than reading books we just stare at the page with the cow on it.

We had tons of fun celebrating his birthday with family and friends. His eyes lit up when he saw the house decorated with balloons and crate paper. And he just absorbed all the love and attention he got.

He started to figure the whole birthday thing out. He actually opened his presents and was excited about the gifts. He also tried blowing out the candles and succeded after about 10 blows. I cant believe how fast this motherhood thing is going by. It takes a lot of energy but is totally worth it.

Notice him trying to blow out the 2nd candle, that is some serious concentration!


LD said...

Happy Birthday Eddy!! Wish we could have been there to celebrate!

I will never forget picking you up from the airport in some stranger's tank top....classic!

Chelsi Archibald said...

I hardly know this kid and have only seen him on a few occasions, but he is like one of my favorite kids in the world! He just spreads joy!

JDM said...

Happy birthday little dude!

Our kids just love Eddy. We all do!

Jenn K. said...

What a handsome little boy! Happy, Happy Birthday! Hopefully we'll get to see you guys this Christmas!

Ashley said...

Thank you for letting us celebrate with you! I love eddy too pieces but I think Zaida loves him more. She is in awe over him in that picture. Love you doll!

Candice said...

Just let me know when he's old enough to baby sit, then i'll start having kids.