Thursday, October 29, 2009


  • Olive is getting so big, I cannot believe how fast she is growing. Time is going so much faster than it did with Eddy. She is such a wonderful baby. I seriously lucked out with getting such good kids.
  • Eddy is afraid of his Halloween costume so having Danny wear it has helped Eddy to want to wear it...for about 5 seconds. Hopefully he will keep it on for Trick-or-treating.
  • Danny decided that he thinks we should give out tricks this year instead of treats. So if you come knocking on our door be prepared to see Danny do a trick for you!


Unknown said...

Good thing you posted that cute pic of eddy right after that freaky one of Danny.
Ed looks so cute!

LD said...

LOVE IT! I so wish we lived closer so Z and E could be elephants together!

Chelsi Archibald said...

If Eddy ever disappears, he may be at my house. I'll only kidnap him for a couple hours. He is just freaking adorable.

Melinda said...

The only reason I'd want my baby to come early would be to dress her up for Halloween! Eddy is such a cute elephant!

Sarah B said...

Eddy looks super cute in his costume. I hope he'll wear it for you on Halloween so you and Danny get lots of candy.

JDM said...

Love the costume! Can't wait to see how much fun these guys are going to have Saturday. This neighborhood is perfect for Halloween!

Anonymous said...

That is soooo cute. Have a good Halloween guys.